When you are worried about your heart, access to a rapid expert opinion offers peace of mind. Once we have received a referral we can arrange to see you at either of our locations in the Spire, Portsmouth or at the Queen Alexandra Hospital, Portsmouth. We offer flexible appointments including evening clinics in comfortable well-equipped room. It is possible that some simple investigations can be carried
out at the same time, for instance an ECG. During this consultation you will have the opportunity to discuss your symptoms or concerns with an experienced cardiology consultant. Your consultant will also examine your cardiovascular system before discussing what steps need to be taken next and explaining everything fully.
PCA have access to a wide variety of cardiac investigations at either the Spire Havant or Queen Alexandra Hospital, Portsmouth. You can find an explanation of the most requested tests here. In the majority of cases non-invasive tests are performed first for example echocardiography (ultrasound scanning of the heart) or prolonged cardiac monitoring,
but we also have facilities to undertake invasive cardiac investigations at the Queen Alexandra Hospital, Portsmouth. If investigations determine that you need further treatment, for instance the insertion of a stent or a pacemaker, this can also be undertaken at Queen Alexandra Hospital, often at the same time as the initial test.
Once your investigations and/or treatments are complete we can arrange a further clinic follow-up to go through the results of your tests and to provide a personalised management plan for your heart health. During this appointment you will be given the opportunity to ask any questions you may have.
If it is felt that a period of further assessment is required,
we can arrange subsequent follow up appointments as necessary.
Links to our heart health services
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we accept all the major private health insurance companies including those listed below